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5 stars
Emiliana Piadina by Aldoroho Verified Buyer

No artificial additives just real ingredients. Tasty, filling and a small amount of ingredients the way bread should be made.

5 stars
Pane Pugliese by Engineer Verified Buyer

I wanted to write this review to express my opinion on this bread. Just to give everyone a picture of who I am. I am a process engineer who travels the world selling our products to different oil and gas majors. I have sampled many different styles of breads in my life time across the world. So far I have been to more than 20 countries during this period and I can hands down say this is the best bread ever created.

I have just recently (in the past 6 months) hired a young graduate engineer to join my team and he was curious to see the reviews of this bread that I eat with three eggs every lunch time. Yes, every lunch time I travel home to have this bread toasted with 3 eggs scrambled on it for the past 4 years.

I would urge people to prove my hypothesis on this amazing bread by trying it for yourself.

5 stars
Emiliana Piadina by Aldoroho Verified Buyer

No artificial additives just real ingredients. Tasty, filling and a small amount of ingredients the way bread should be made.